News and Social listening

#SouthAfrica Instantly tracks news and social coverage

Our AI Impact module helps you understand and communicate the true impact of a press release. Now you can save time and focus on the publications that deliver the best bottom-line results for your organisation.

The Web is talking about your business.
Find these conversations and join in.

Find important discussions, join them in real time, and spread the word about your product, service, or content across social and the Web to reach new audiences and trigger word-of-mouth marketing.

Analyse Your Reputation

Measure Marketing Impact

Improve Your Brand Image

Be heard, be seen

Develop your voice as an industry thought leader by tracking how your content is read, absorbed, and repurposed.

Save time by eliminating manual processes around data collection and consolidation so your analysts can drill into trends instead of doing manual work.

Keep a pulse on competitor and market insights by viewing article engagement across social channels and geographical regions.


Create reports for press releases, blog posts, or any content with a URL.

Instantly view pickup results, as well as which publications generated the most audience engagement. Discover your best influencers by looking at their editorial and social footprint.

Track the web traffic generated by your content with Google Analytics integration.

Easily communicate the results with your team and other stakeholders.

Media Monitoring: Limited Package

Human Assessment” Our Software runs just as you would expect, like a machine. We’re offering you monitoring by our team of technical experts and outputting actionable report backs together with your analytical data, allowing you to make professional decisions for the data provided.

Unlimited Global Tracking of Online and Social Media

Interactive Media Content Analysis Dashboards

Access for 5 Searches, 3 User & unlimited keyword terms tracking at a flat rate.

Free-consulting, Account Set-up & Technical Support.

Interactive Media Content Analysis Dashboards

Password protected web portal

Mobile App

Email alerts

Premium Social Product