We all have become accustomed to using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share our messages and rally support for causes and sharing content to reach communities, and while traditional social media platforms are packed with innovative tools. There is one that is standing out in sharing information and strategically helping people across the globe. That platform is Google Docs.

We’ve seen a few blogs sharing their opinions and facts this week on how the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement has used Google docs as an open-source resource center.
In just the last week, Google Docs has grown as a way to share everything from lists of books on racism to templates for letters to family members and links to vetted lists for funds and resources. One that we really found resourceful can be accessed below
Titled: Resources for Accountability and Actions for Black Lives You can gain access to this document here: http://bit.ly/BlackLivesAction
Google docs have been around for some time, for the past 9 years here at Hashtag South Africa we have used cloud documents to collaborate work schedules and contact databases that we would share internally, to collaborating on articles and content calendars with clients. The cloud technology like Google Docs is also a secure platform that tracks changes and saves as you work automatically. There are many alternatives to Google Docs available, yet keeping in mind as to how many people that use Google daily, using Google Apps always is the better option.
At Hashtag South Africa we have always focused our efforts to work with clients and organizations that strive to make a difference in the world, we take no accolade in the above information like the Docs created by the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement, we merely sharing the point that digital tools and social media, when used constructively and strategically with people across the world can return great results.
We hope this blog post motivates you and the causes you support using digital tools like Docs and other cloud resources to bring about change in the world. We need this now more than ever before.