Facebook has numerous ad options, and snappy creative can help turn a viewer into a fan or customer. But how big should an image be? How short should the text run? Ampush, a Facebook Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer, put together a comprehensive...
Social Media Strategy
Facebook South Africa Infographic Report 2014
Social Media is evolving and so are the people that use it. Digital is growing not just in South Africa, but globally. Businesses and Organisations should avoid the status quo of JUST having a social presence. Last week Facebook officially released their numbers into...
Global Social Media Statistics #SouthAfrica
Five Unwritten Twitter-for-Business Rules for 2014
1. Refrain from using the brand profile to Tweet personal updates. Use your personal profile for that – or better yet, your personal Facebook profile with relevant privacy settings in place. Don’t share news about your favourite sports team or your son’s first word,...
Jobs which didn’t exists 5 years ago
The world is consistently changing faster than every before. Everything we once learned in school and varsity has now become void in many areas unless you saving lives and need to transplant a heart. The beauty of Social Media is that we have gained insights to great...
Social Media is not just for your IT and Marketing Department
Since joining the digital era and having plugged myself into the world wide web (www) I have observed that IT people can get lost in binary codes. They –succeed in giving us tech support and solving our daily email glitches but generally neglect communicating...