Feb 2015, Durban, South Africa

We would like to start the year off (yes quite late, but we trying to maintain the convo form the executive desks)


We saw 2014 end in a productive and informative state of local and global affairs.

As we celebrated in achieving record sales YTD and Year Targets we also celebrated in the expansion of digital across our planet.


More and more each day, the cities and countries are adapting what leaders of industry have once thought on pieces of paper.


I often reflect on ancient champions. Great men and women who were once frowned upon by their societies and cities, yet only decades even centuries later did they appreciate what was laid.


But foruntanley today we have the INTERNET, and great thinkers and inventors can unite with like minded people. So even if they are frowned upon in their offline worlds. They can seek perspective and direction on manifesting the root of thought to the natural world.


Growing up I faced many rebuke for my thoughts and concepts form the world around me, today when I look back I don’t regret it – I’ve just come to the perspective conclusion that the people that judge you – only see the response from what they know, and what they minds can quantify based on the environments that they limit themselves to. (yes that sentence was intense)

Social Media is a bubble, the sooner those in Digital understand this, the faster you will progress to a new level of thinking, yes we have profited from client budgets – but extra value needs to be added. All we are doing is feeding the giant machine of theses platforms that  now need to meet the expectations of their public shareholders.


“ In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish. – Extract from Are you ready for the technological revolution? (World Economic Forum)


“The first thing that sets this revolution apart from others is how disruptive it is. In the past we had revolutions – perhaps they would be better described as evolutions – that came at a relatively slow pace, like long waves in the ocean. The impact of the first Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the 1780s did not fully begin to be felt until the 1830s and 1840s. Today technological change happens like a tsunami. You see small signs at the shore, and suddenly the wave sweeps in.”


We are evolving faster than any civilization before us. This is truly the greatest era to grace mankind. Yes many might say that their time was the greatest, like my parents, or my great grandparents. But based on the long term cycle of life on earth, we now have the ability to unite together under central purposes. Not by religious indoctrination, nor political mandates. But as we were destined to be.


A civilization that taps into the greater capacity of their minds.


At Hashtag South Africa we are venturing into spaces that have never been discovered before, I don’t think Christopher Columbus could feel such joy as we do in the discoveries we make.

We might be limited by our geographical location (down the Southern Hemisphere) but based on digital connections we now have points of presences in 12 major countries across the planet.


We look forward to our venture into Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Data Centres, Digital Search Algorithms and the new birth of Social Media within cross communities.


We look forward to our ventures in 2015 and hope to engage with all that share our passion in the development of technology


Speak to our CEO, Conrad

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